Thursday 17 November 2011

Clearance the house

Today, from morning..(not that morning actually),, alright.. from it was still daylight until dark, me and my husband we tide up some stuff in the house. This won't be the last I think... It wasn't the first though. This means we organize our stuff, clothes... everything basically. Which are stay and which aren't. I found many old stuff, bring back old memory.... but I don't miss them until I found them again. But I don't care. We are leaving..right!? For now we have to leave everything behind in my parents in law house. Because the house we are live in at the moment is for sale. We have to empty the house so that it's easy for people to view it.
I already save all my sewing stuff hidden somewhere. I piled up my fabrics inside the wardrobe. I hide one of my sewing machine in the corner. The serger and the others two will be inside the wardrobe. Notice that I have 4 machines.. (at the moment ;p).. I want some more though.. ;)
One day I'll pick them up. I don't know how... ** imagine if we decide to live in Canary then how am I going to pick them up?**
My husband said, he'll buy me another machine if I have an urge to sew at any cost in case...LOL... let's see ya.. we don't know what tomorrow's hold.
Good night everyone.....**hoammmm

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